CoreLogic SDK
  • Ready to review
  • CoreLogic SDK

    Feature preview - Available soon


    To support you in exploring complex use cases, the platform’s Exchange offers CoreLogic’s major data products and provides JupyterLab in the innovation Space to develop complex python transformations.

    In the CoreLogic eco-system, there are several additional data services available for you to simplify the work of analysis and identification.

    One available service is CLIP®, CoreLogic’s unique property ID, that can be used to link any data coming from a client with CoreLogic’s data. CLIP simplifies the ability to integrate data accurately. With CoreLogic’s SDK, you can have a user interface (UI) to CLIP your data without having to rewrite code on your own.

    To connect to these services in your innovation spaces, CoreLogic has created a Software Development Kit (SDK), or library of tools, that will simplify the operations needed to use them.

    The SDK will come pre-loaded inside a user’s Space and will be ready use.

    For more information about CoreLogic data services, please contact your customer success manager.