Drag and Drop asset creation

Drag and Drop asset creation

Users with asset creation permissions are able to kickoff an easy, simple, automated asset creation process by uploading or dragging and dropping a file from the My collection or Manage assets views.

You can do this from:

  1. My collection empty state.

  2. My collection or Manage asset views, users can drag and drop a file over the page.

  3. By using the “Upload file” button on the My collection or Manage assets views.

If any of the above options are used, an upload dropdown will appear in the navigation bar which lists all of the in-progress, failed or successfully completed asset creation jobs.


Detailed steps

File type is identified and the data is automatically processed through a 4 or 5 step process until the asset is ready for use.


Asset state



Asset state




Data is uploaded.

NB: the user is advised to remain logged in with their browser tab open for the duration of this step.

NB: the known file size limit is 8.5GB on the upload variant of asset creation.

Creating asset

In setup

An asset is created.

Data discovery (Table data only)

In setup

Applies to table data only, the data is crawled to establish schema.

NB: When uploading csv. the automatic process assumes the discovered schema is correct and accepts it without user review. It's recommended to use the manual process if schema adjustments are expected.



The data is converted to ORC and copied to the platform.



The asset is automatically released.



Process is complete and the asset can be dismissed from the upload dropdown.

If the user is managing the asset, it is available for editing and releasing. If the user would like to consume the asset, it is available for addition to space or export.

Failure states

In the unlikely event that the asset creation fails. Each step of the asset creation process has a failure state.


Action available


Action available

Uploading & Creating asset

  • Dismiss (and delete)

Data discovery (Table data only), Finalising & Releasing

  • Cancel (and delete)

  • Learn more - Takes a user to the corresponding interface in the asset creation process

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