Delete Asset

Delete Asset

You can delete an asset if it is no longer needed or has been created by mistake.

Deletion of an asset removes it from the platform as well as entirely deletes the data from all known storage locations associated with that asset on the platform.

Deleting a draft asset

Note: You must have manage permissions for the draft asset to perform this action, these could have been obtained from

  • Creating the asset

  • Holding an asset administrator role

  • Receiving asset management permissions via a share

To delete a draft asset:

  1. Navigate to the manage assets page by clicking assets under the manage menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Find an asset and click on the three dots > Delete to delete an asset.

  3. You are asked to confirm your choice and informed that this cannot be undone, confirm the action to proceed.

Asset can also be deleted from the asset overview page or during setup.


Deleting a live asset

Deleting a live asset is more complicated than that of a draft as there may be dependencies and relationships at play that need to be managed or the effects of deletion accepted.

Note: You must have manage permissions for the live asset to perform this action, these could have been obtained from

  • Creating the asset

  • Holding an asset administrator role

  • Receiving asset management permissions via a share

To delete a live asset:

  1. Navigate to the manage assets page by clicking assets under the manage menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Find an asset and click on the three dots > Delete to delete an asset.

  3. Depending on where the asset has been used, you may see a simple confirm deletion modal or a modal listing the blocking or non-blocking dependencies. The dependencies that could apply include:

    1. Asset is used in a product

    2. Spaces

    3. Exports

    4. Tasks

    5. Code assets

Relationships that prevent immediate deletion include

  • Assets being in a product - these must be removed from all products first

  1. If the asset is used in a product, you must navigate to the management page or contact a user who can, and remove the asset from the product.

  2. Return to the asset management view and click delete.

  3. If the assert is used in Spaces, Exports, Tasks or Code assets, make sure you understand the possible effects of deletion and then confirm the deletion to proceed.

Asset can also be deleted from the asset overview page or during setup.