View and Manage an Asset

View and Manage an Asset

Assets that have been created will be listed on the manage assets homepage (found by clicking Assets under the Manage menu).

Users with manage permissions for an asset will see assets listed here. These users could be:

  • The asset creator

  • The asset administrator

  • Any user that has had manage permissions shared with them for that asset

View asset overview page

Clicking on an asset will take you to the asset overview page. It contains a range of tabs to help you manage it. Depending on the tab, you can make adjustments to the detail. You must save for any changes to be applied.

Note: Changes will be applied immediately upon saving, no additional release mechanism is available.

Key information

Here, you can review the configuration detail of the asset. This includes the connector used to create it, the data location and whether its an At Source or On Platform asset.

You can set the display name of the asset, give it a description and apply appropriate categories and tags. The categories and tags will enable filtering on the my collection view for asset consumers and in the manage assets view for asset managers.


Some based metadata metrics are obtained during asset setup. These metrics are displayed to consumers once the asset is shared with them or is available to view when contained in a product.

There are a number of standard metrics

  1. Format

  2. Columns (table assets only)

  3. Rows (table assets only)

  4. Created date

  5. Last data refresh date

You also have the ability to add more metadata if there is anything in particular you’d like to include. To add custom metadata

  1. Click add custom metadata

  2. Provide a Key

  3. Provide a Value

  4. Click Save

Integration metadata

In addition to metadata metrics that will be visible and informative to consumers, integration metadata can be added. This allows you to integrate your asset with an externally driven processes. This requires you to add a Key Value pair that references some external information. Adding integration metadata works identically to adding metadata metrics.


The data schema showing columns, data types and descriptions for table assets is presented here. You can add or update descriptions for each column. This will ultimately be visible to consumers once the asset is shared with them or is available to view when contained in a product.


A 10 row sample of table data is retrieved during setup. As a product creator, you can decide whether this is to be exposed to consumers or not.

In some cases the sample is necessary to give consumers a sense of fill rate or examples of values contained in the data. Where a sample is not appropriate, it can be toggled off. It is toggled off by default to avoid inadvertent exposure of data.


You can turn your asset into an updating asset at any time. To turn this on, simple toggle updates on and provide the required information.

Note: This functionality is available only where the asset has been created using an external connector.

Read the article on creating and initiating asset updates to learn more.

References and FAQs

Transfer Notification File (TNF)

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