Usernames and Passwords for Tools in Spaces
Component | Username | Password |
Exchange | The email address that received the registration email e.g. | Set by the user who received the invitation email E.g. Pas$word123 |
Secure Desktop | System generated. Displayed in the ‘Details’ / ‘Help’ tabs of the ‘Spaces' page within the Exchange e.g. samtri0431 | Entered by the user - recommended to be the same as the Exchange password i.e. Pas$word123 |
Spaces | Same as Exchange username | Same as Exchange password |
Hue (legacy clusters) | hadoop | hadoop |
Hue | NULL | NULL |
Superset | superset | superset |
RStudio | NULL | NULL |
Jupyter | NULL | NULL |
The table above outlines the username and password requirements for the various components of the Platform.
For the Exchange, Secure Desktop and Spaces components these credentials are all unique to each user. In the case of the Spaces tools these credentials follow standard conventions for each tool. These tool credentials are used solely for the purpose of accessing the tools hosted on Spaces and do not represent any element of data access control or platform authentication.